Thursday, April 23, 2015

compressor silicone oil seals

Compressor silicone oil seals.This article assumes you have already removed your transmission and flywheel or pressure plate.Press the retainer over the crank being careful not to get the gasket maker on anything. Take your 10mm bolts and thread them in hand tight for the moment. I will revise this once i get home from work but i think the torque spec was 60inch lbs. Torque the in a crisscross pattern.will look like this once again. for details on doing this, please refer to the clutch replacement articles.

Remove the six 10mm bolts for the seal retainer.Compressor silicone oil seals.
Once the gasket maker is applied it is now time to install the retainer back to the block.Take the retainer and put some oil on the inside lip again.

You will need a good solid putty knife to break the liquid gasket material seal from the block and retainer.(don’t use a screwdriver if at all possible so the mating surfaces aren’t damaged) Compressor silicone oil seals.
Once the seal is broke the retainer should pull right off.
You will then see this

Once all surfaces are clean take your new seal and rub motor oil on both the outer edge and inner part of the seal.Compressor silicone oil seals.

Next you will need to install the seal in the retainer. I bought a seal driver set, and the driver heads were too small for the size of the seal, so a CLEAN cut 2×4 had to work.When installing the seal be sure to put the grooved side with the cord facing downward.get the seal pused in by hane as far as you can before using the mallet and 2×4.Strike the seal untill it seats in the retainer.Compressor silicone oil seals.

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